Benitez & Son Tree Service 479-426-0905

Firewood For Sale

Seasoned Firewood For Sale

We have firewood for sale all year round!  Our firewood is seasoned hardwood from the Northwest Arkansas area.  Types of wood we have include White Oak, Black Oak, Red Oak, Hickory and Walnut.  We sell our wood in cords and portions of cords. A cord is a measurement of wood that when it is stacked equals 128 cubic feet. This stack would measure 4 feet tall by 4 feet deep by 8 feet long which equals 128 cubic feet. Of course we will stack it in any shape you want or need. We don't criss cross our wood when we stack, which gives you the most wood for your money. All of our stacks are neat and tight and all in the same direction. We cut our wood to fit in fireplaces and find that 16" lengths work best.  So a full cord is stacked as 4 feet high, 8 feet long and 3 rows with logs 16 inches deep. Using seasoned or dry firewood has many benefits over green or freshly cut firewood. Dry wood will be easier to light, burns hotter and greatly reduces the amount of creosote build-up in chimneys which is he leading cause of fireplace fires.  Burning wood will save you money on winter heating costs, a general rule of thumb is a two-ton cord of hardwood yields roughly the same usable heat as 200 gallons of heating oil, a ton of coal, 26,800 cubic feet of natural gas or about 4000 kilowatts of electricity and is a renewable resource.
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Firewood For Sale

Seasoned Firewood For Sale

We have firewood for sale year round!  All of our firewood is seasoned hardwood from the Northwest Arkansas area.  Types of wood include White Oak, Black Oak, Red Oak, Hickory and Walnut.  We sell our wood in cords and increments of cords. A cord is a measurement of wood that when neatly stacked and put in rows equals 128 cubic feet. This stack measures 4 feet tall by 4 feet deep by 8 feet long which equals 128 cubic feet. Of course we can stack it in any dimension you want or need. We don't criss cross our wood when we stack, we stack neat and tight all in the same direction, giving you the most wood for your money.  We cut our wood to fit in fireplaces and find that 16" lengths work best.  So a full cord is stacked as 4 feet high, 8 feet long and 3 rows with logs 16 inches deep. Seasoned or dry firewood has many benefits over green or freshly cut firewood. Dry wood is easier to light, burns hotter and reduces creosote build-up in chimneys which is he leading cause of fireplace fires.  Burning wood will save you money on winter heating general rule of thumb, a two-ton cord of hardwood yields about the same usable heat as 200 gallons of heating oil, a ton of coal, 26,800 cubic feet of natural gas or about 4000 kilowatts of electricity and is a renewable resource.
Benitez & Son Tree Service 479-426-0905